For further details about workshop content, please refer to theĀ workshop booklet. You need to register (see below) before you can participate in this workshop.
Date and time: 25-11-2021, 11:00-13:00, onsite in room listed below except in case of a high number of registrations (>15)
Workshop host: Thomas Frissen
Registration: (Links to an external site.)
Room (register first): Zwingelput 4, D 0.037
Preparation before the workshop:
This workshop has three requirements: (1) you need a computer (with administrator rights), (b) You need to have R and Rstudio installed on your machine (they are both totally free), (c) you need a Twitter account (can be just one for this course). There are videos on YouTube that explain how to install R / RStudio on your machine. For example:
- For Windows: (Links to an external site.)
- For mac: (Links to an external site.)
Please come prepared. We will not have time during the workshop to go over the installation. If you run into problems, please contact the workshop host ( before the workshop starts.